Science: The Wide Angle

What a privilege to be able to spend time with each of the scientists and heavy thinkers in the series I shot with Fourth Line Films, Science: The Wide Angle, produced for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).  The interviews we captured were fascinating glimpses into the tremendous depth of knowledge gained over decades of work and study by people engaged at the cutting edge of their fields.  The series explores the relationship between religious and scientific thought, amongst other interesting topics of conversation!  Here are a few videos from the series:

BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND THE KINSHIP OF ALL LIFE Featuring Neil Shubin (University of Chicago, Your Inner Fish), Dr. Jeff Hardin (University of Wisconsin), and Dr. Sean B. Carroll (Howard Hughes Medical Institute).

AWE & WONDER Featuring Dr. S. James Gates (University System of Maryland Regents Professor), Br. Guy Consolmagno (Director of Vatican Observatory), Dr. Jeff Hardin (University of Wisconsin), Dr. Jennifer Wiseman (Astronomer, American Association for the Advancement of Science), Dr. William Newsmen (Stanford), Dr. Sean B. Carroll (Howard Hughes Medical Institute), Dr. Huda Zoghbi (Baylor College of Medicine), Dr. Justin Barrett (Fuller Theological Seminary), Dr. Michael Ruse (Florida State University), Dr. Neil Shubin (University of Chicago), Dr. Richard Potts (Smithsonian Institution), Dr. Georgia Dunston (National Human Genome Center), Dr. David Charbonneau (Harvard University).

FRONTIERS OF NEUROSCIENCE Featuring Dr. William Newsmen (Stanford University), Dr. Huda Zoghbi (Baylor College of Medicine).