This project pushed me creatively in a variety of ways: I was the DP/Director for a series of live performance videos with Sandra and her band, as well as the photographer for the cover image of her new album, God's Highway. Filming all four live performance videos and capturing the album photography in a single day was a huge task, but Sandra and the crew were up for the challenge. Her producer, Lea Fulton, secured two beautiful locations for us, and we worked together to arrange the schedule in such a way that we would end up on the shores of the Pacific at sunset. There was much rejoicing as the sun slipped beneath the cloud cover and gave us a solid five minutes of glorious light to work with before it disappeared behind the San Juan Islands:
This is the final image for the album cover. Thanks to Brannon McAllister for the wonderful design work.
My talented and capable (and hilarious) crew made it all possible: Chris Baron and Jeff Shaw. Thanks guys! Images and video from the shoot are below. You can purchase God's Highway here.
Sandra McCracken: live performance video, "God's Highway"