FiveThirtyEight: The Bobby Bonilla Retirement Plan

Deirdre Fenton from ESPN called me up for a quick shoot with Gene Orza, the former COO of the Major League Baseball Players Association.  He eloquently detailed the ins and outs of one of baseball's most controversial contracts, which will pay Bobby Bonilla over $1 million every year through 2035, even though he retired in 2001.  Hmm.

Gene Orza

Gene Orza

Deirdre wanted Gene's interview to fit in stylistically with the other interviews that had already been shot by other DPs, but also have a warmer, "cozier" vibe.  I decided to use his kitchen as the background, and used c-log2 on the C300 mkII to keep the window within range.  Gene was keyed by a LitePanels Astra through a 4x4 frame of full stop and 1/4 stop diffusion, with a LitePanel 1x1 as a backlight.  We bounced in some fill and were set.  Check out the entire piece, Deirdre and Co. did a great job with the edit.