Citizen Sounder

"Hey want to shoot the Sounders game with us this weekend?" 

I had to think for about 2 milliseconds before responding.  Of course I wanted to shoot the Sounders game; I love shooting soccer (have you seen this?) and besides, the game wasn't just any other game, it was against our most bitter rivals, the Portland Timbers.  Citizen Sounder gave me a field pass and asked me to capture footage for an ongoing piece aimed at documenting the experience of Sounders fandom, so to speak.  Here's a brief example of what I was able to capture:

Citizen Sounder is documenting the experiences of the devoted fans of the Sounders FC. I had a blast shooting for them, spending time in the stands and down on the sidelines.

Music by Zadok Wartes

Special thanks to Beeworks for sending me out with their BW05 camera stabilizer