This is a sample of my work in film and video. Roles include director, editor and cinematographer.
Official Trailer: Beauty and Chance. A short documentary about two long lives. Directed by John Harrison.
Until the Truth: Life After Abuse. This documentary feature explores the aftermath and recovery from sexual, psychological and religious abuse. Co-Directed by Sean Dimond and John Harrison. Cinematography and Editing by John Harrison.
Awakening to Justice. 30-minute documentary exploring the history of both the complicity and hope of Christian faith as it relates to racial injustice in America. The film echoes Howard Thurman's question: “Why is it that Christianity seems impotent to deal radically, and therefore effectively, with the issues of discrimination, and injustice on the basis of race, religion and national origin? Is this impotency due to a betrayal of the genius of the religion, or is it due to a basic weakness in the religion itself?" Co-Directed by Sean Dimond and John Harrison. Cinematography and Editing by John Harrison.
When God Roars: an unforgettable story of recovery and restoration of sex trafficking and abuse survivors in the Philippines. Co-Directed by Sean Dimond and John Harrison. Cinematography and Editing by John Harrison.
Land | Hope | Life: Three-part series for Agros International’s annual fundraising gala, Tierras de Vida. Shot on location in the Ixil region of Guatemala. Directing, Cinematography and Editing by John Harrison.
Make Coffee Black Again: Love Black People Like You Love Black Coffee. Co-Directed by Sean Dimond and John Harrison. Cinematography and Editing by John Harrison.
This short film documents the friendship between Bono (of the band U2) and Eugene Peterson (author of contemporary-language Bible translation The Message) revolving around their common interest in the Psalms. Directed by Nathan Clarke. Cinematography by John Harrison.
Recent work for UNTAMED, an international documentary production company based in Washington State. Founded by Sean Dimond and John Harrison.
Cinematography by John Harrison